CTI League Darknet Report 2021 – Exposing Criminal Activity Targeting the Healthcare Industry During COVID-19
The healthcare industry has been bombarded with concurrent cyber threats over the last 12 months as they are on the front lines of the COVID response. Caregivers have faced many challenges during this period, including workforce shortages, overcrowded facilities, and the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) to name a few. Ransomware however, poses the greatest cyber security threat facing the healthcare industry and caused several directly related deaths during this pandemic. In a report released by the CTI League earlier today, many points of interest have been covered in detail. In this article, we'll cover some of the key insights and you can read the full report below. What is the CTI League? The CTI League is a collective of cyber security professionals who work together with law enforcement organizations to identify and collect CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence) to prevent ransomware from gaining access. Within the CTI League, there's…