URGENT: Update Your 2FA Authentication!
Renewed attacks have begun on SMS services around the globe, making SMS 2-Factor Authentication an unsuitable option for authentication. For $16 USD, an individual can sign up for a service that will intercept a target phone number's SMS messages and send the messages to the number of their choice - as long as the individual is willing to provide a signed "Letter of Authority" in which they promise to be the owner of the said phone number. Platforms such as Sakari are actively being used to breach online accounts containing sensitive information, such as banking and health data. In previous years, attacks targeting Ultra-High Net Worth and Highly-Visible individuals have greatly increased. In July 2020, Graham Ivan Clark brazenly hacked into social media accounts belonging to President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Kanye West, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mike Bloomberg, Warren Buffet, Floyd Mayweather, Kim Kardashian, Apple,…