Critical Path Security to participate in the Georgia EMC Technology Association’s Fall Meeting

In the ever-evolving sphere of technology, bridging gaps and fostering connections is more important than ever. The Georgia EMC Technology Association stands at the forefront of this initiative, with a mission to nurture a community of tech-professionals who are proficient, collaborative, and innovative. A reflection of this mission is clearly seen in their bi-annual meetings where technology professionals converge to foster partnerships and knowledge growth. This Fall Meeting, scheduled for September 20-22, 2003, is set to be a significant milestone in this journey, and one of the notable participants this year is Critical Path Security.

Critical Path Security: A Vigilant Participant

Critical Path Security, a notable entity in the security sector, embodies the essence of vigilance and innovation. As a participant at the Fall Meeting, they are set to bring a rich tapestry of insights and expertise to the table. Their presence is expected to bolster the event’s goal of facilitating meaningful exchanges and learning experiences among like-minded professionals.

Engaging Dialogues and Collaborative Learning

The bi-annual gatherings hosted by the Georgia EMC Technology Association are revered as knowledge hubs where experts and enthusiasts unite to share, learn, and grow. The Fall Meeting is gearing up to be a venue that promises vibrant dialogues and collaborative learning experiences.

Critical Path Security, with its deep-seated knowledge and commitment to advancing technology securely, is anticipated to be a vital voice during these dialogues. Through participation in various co-curricular activities and training exercises, they aim to inspire and get inspired, nurturing a richer, collaborative environment for all attendees.


Mark the dates September 20-22 on your calendars, and gear up to be a part of a collaborative journey towards professional development and growth. Together, we forge ahead towards a future where technology stands as not just an industry, but a thriving community of professionals working in unison towards a brighter, more secure tomorrow.