Preparing for Your Cyber Insurance Renewal: Insights from Rick Hudson, CTO of Critical Path Security


At the upcoming NRECA Co-Op Cyber Tech Conference in Arlington, VA, Rick Hudson, CTO of Critical Path Security, will be delivering an insightful session on preparing for your cyber insurance renewal. This session, scheduled for June 11-13, 2024, promises to equip attendees with essential knowledge and practical steps to streamline the renewal process.

Key Topics to be Covered

1. Understanding Basic Requirements: Rick will begin by discussing the fundamental requirements that insurance providers are looking for. These requirements are becoming increasingly standardized, and understanding them is the first step in ensuring a smooth renewal process.

2. Proactive Steps to Save Money: One of the highlights of the session will be a discussion on proactive steps that can potentially lower your insurance premiums. Rick will share insights on measures that can enhance your cybersecurity posture, thereby making your cooperative a less risky proposition for insurers.

3. "Extra Credit" Items: Rick will also delve into "extra credit" items—additional measures and best practices that, while not always mandatory, can significantly bolster your cooperative's security profile. Implementing these items can demonstrate to insurers your commitment to cybersecurity, potentially resulting in more favorable terms.

4. Commonly Missed Items: Finally, the session will cover often overlooked aspects of the renewal process. By addressing these commonly missed items, you can avoid last-minute surprises and ensure your renewal application is comprehensive and robust.

Why Attend?

This session is an invaluable opportunity for cooperatives looking to optimize their cybersecurity strategies and improve their chances of securing favorable insurance terms. By leveraging Rick Hudson's expertise, you can gain a deeper understanding of what insurers are looking for and how to present your cooperative as a low-risk, highly secure organization.

Join Us

Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the leading experts in the field. Ensure your cooperative is well-prepared for its next cyber insurance renewal by attending Rick Hudson's session at the NRECA Co-Op Cyber Tech Conference.

For more information and to register for the event, visit the NRECA Co-Op Cyber Tech Conference page.

Stay secure, stay informed, and ensure your cooperative is ready for the future of cybersecurity.